Random City
Radio work, 45 min., 2021What a relief to arrive at last in this new city. Your feet are restless, they take you across bridges and underneath construction sites, under the river even, where you embrace views that make you feel like you have ears all over your new body.
This hour-long travelogue grazes across sonic neighborhoods that might resemble Tbilisi, Batumi, Toronto, Havana, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Strasbourg, Marseille, Naples, Reggio Calabria, Lisbon and Barcelona. Or at least, the sound sources, the original copies, were first heard there.
Most of the recordings were made in 2018-2020 with a Tascam DR-05 recorder and clippy EM172 omnidirectional microphones.
recordings, mix and photo by Alëna Korolëva
text, voice and additional recordings by Mike Hoolboom - mikehoolboom.com
Broadcast on {openradio} as a part of the Pixelache Helsinki Festival 2021 #BURN program
Broadcast as a framework:afield program on
- london, uk ::: resonance 104.4fm
- lisbon, pt ::: radio zero
- utrecht, nl ::: concertzender
- porto, pt ::: radio manobras
- hudson valley, us ::: wave farm radio + wgxc 90.7fm
- tsouth devon, uk ::: soundart radio 102.5fm
- brighton, uk ::: resonance extra
- helsinki, fi ::: korppiradio
- ulm, de ::: radio free 102.6fm
- brussels, be ::: radio campus 92.1fm
- santa barbara, us ::: kcsb 91.9fm
- coimbra, pt ::: rádio universidade de coimbra 109.7fm
- canela, br ::: rádio contato
- vancouver, us ::: radio nouspace
Broadcast on KXCI 91.3FM Tucson AZ as a part of Elysian Fields program.
Presented within a framework of the international conference and transdiciplinary festival Field Sound Recordings:
Music, Speech, Landscape, October 5–15, 2021, Russia at
St. Petersburg Sound Museum
Ground Solyanka Gallery, Moscow
Broadcast on Radiofrenia Glasgow, a festival of sound and transmission arts. 7 February 2022